Reforestation for Everyone.

Helping a billion people plant a trillion trees.

Reforest with Transparency

Explore Silvi App

Check out the open beta for Silvi App.

Whether you’re running a mid-large scale reforestation project, an urban forestry initiative, or want to share the progress of trees you plant in your backyard, Silvi App will help you share the story of the trees you plant.

Register Planted Trees

Use the Silvi App to track the health and well being of planted trees, and share their growth progress.

Register individual trees at reforestation sites and group them together to show your reforestation zone.

Monitor Nursery Sites

Use the Silvi App to monitor the production of batches of tree saplings.

Reference specialized methodologies to assist all stages of propagation.

Collaborate with stewards and view team progress from anywhere.

Finance with TreeForwards

Invest into reforestation with precision.

Earn compensation for proven stewardship and impact.

Filling Gaps to Strengthen Reforestation Initiatives

Enhancing seed to sapling
growth and output at nursery
Connecting social, ecological,
and economic systems.
Developing reforestation
capabilities in local communities.

Beta Launching soon in Kenya

We are excited to launch our first plant-to-earn campaign event in collaboration with Opera Minipay.

If you are located in Kenya, interested in reforestation, you can be paid to plant trees:

 -  Download Opera Minipay and set up your account.

 -  Locate the Silvi thumbnail and follow the steps in the App to get started.

Download Minipay
Measuring Impact

How do we show the benefits of Silvi projects?

We are partnering with the Lexicon by using their Ecological Benefits Framework (EBF) as a way to communicate the impact of Silvi projects.

EBF was constructed as a way to standardize reporting practices for voluntary carbon markets. At Silvi, we believe our app can play a key role in the the measurement, verification and reporting of climate action projects. Our approach ensures maximum results, which creates maximum return on investment for stakeholders, all of which can be communicated, through EBF.

Community Driven. Economically Beneficial.

For Rural Farmers
We see those who are farming next to forests, usually in previously forested areas repurposed for agriculture, as key agents in global reforestation.
For Urban Citizens
We imagine a future where we re-green our urban areas by empowering a distributed movement of urban tree stewards.
Grow With UsRead Our Treepaper

Our Roots Interconnect

We’re working with some incredible partners to make reforestation empowering for rural and urban communities around the world.

Around the
World With Silvi

Communities from Miami, Florida to Kakamega, Kenya are using
Silvi to track their reforestation progress and tap the financial
benefits of creating natural capital.

We’re Committed To Regrowing Forests, Communities, and Nature-Backed Economies.

Grow With Us

Do you organize, fund, or execute reforestation initiatives that require coordination and transparency? Let’s Connect. We’d love to support you in stewarding trees from seed to sapling.